Sometimes, your tile works perfectly fine, but it's just… ugly. Luckily, you can change tile color with refinishing; and there are many benefits of doing so.

Change Tile Color | A-1 Reglazing

Are your tiles starting to look worn out, tired and sad? Rather than rip them all out and re-tile your bathroom or kitchen, why not refinish them? There's a lot of benefits to doing this, and you'll have a brand new looking room in new time.

Here's how to get started.

Why Refinishing Is the Best Option to Change Tile Color

Why refinish tiles, rather than replace them entirely? There's lots of reasons why you'd want to consider this, including the following:

  • Extend the life of your tiles:

Firstly, you've got to remember that tiles will last a long time if they're well taken care of. If the tiles themselves are in good condition, but just looking a little dated, then why would you want to replace them? Refinishing tiles will be easier, and you'll brand new looking tiles in no time at all.

  • Cheaper than replacement:

Pricing is a big factor in any home improvement project. Tiling is an expensive job, and you don't want to be paying out all that money if you don't have to. If you're on a budget when renovating a room, you can save a lot of cash by refinishing rather than replacing your tiles.

  • Change up the color:

Those floral patterned tiles looked great in the 80's, but now they're looked dated and tired. You really want to change them up, but the tiles themselves are still in good condition.

You can change tile color if you refinish them. Therefore, you won't have to look at that dated design any more, and you'll be able to instantly update the room.

  • Can be done yourself:

This benefit is another way you can save money on your renovation. If you're fairly handy around the home, then you can change tile color on your own. If you're not confident in doing this though, you can hire professionals and still save a lot of cash.

  • Create a look that's all your own:

Have you been shopping around for tiles, but you can't find anything that you want in stores? Rather than settling on a tile you're not 100% on, you can create the right look with what you already have. Create the style you had in mind, without having to rely on what you can buy in stores.

  • Quicker than re-tiling:

Are you looking to renovate a room quickly? Tiling is a time intensive job if you're doing it correctly. When it's done well, the effect is perfect. If you don't have the time to do it though, it's not worth rushing. Instead, refinishing the tiles gives you a similar effect in much less time.

  • Much less mess:

Tiling looks great when it's done, but the process is messy to say the least. When you take out your old tiles, you'll find that dust and plaster tend to go flying everywhere. The clean up is rather intense. Refinishing your tiles is much cleaner, if you're careful about cleaning up as you go.

  • Less damage to your home:

You've got to be very careful when you're removing old tiles. In the best case scenario, they'll come away cleanly. If they don't though, then you'll find that they can take away drywall when you try and remove them. This leads to more renovation costs, something you don't want. Refinishing avoids this issue entirely.

Contact Us Today for Tile Refinishing - A-1 Reglazing

How To Refinish Your Tiles

Does refinishing sound good to you? Great, now you can get started. Here's a step by step guide on how to change tile color to make them look brand new again.

  • Step One: Prepare the surfaces

Firstly, you need to prepare any surface that you're planning on painting.

Clean all the tiles thoroughly, as any soap or oils that are left on them will not allow paint to stick to the surface. You'll also need to cover up any surfaces in the vicinity that you don't want to get paint on. Plastic sheets and tape are the best way to protect your bathtubs, counters, and so on.

  • Step Two: Get personal protection

As you're working with refinishing tools, you'll need to protect yourself when you're working with them. There are several harmful fumes you'll be working with that you don't want to breathe in.

Open windows to create air flow, and use a professional exhaust system to stop fumes entering the rest of the house.

  • Step Three: Etch your tiles

Etching your tiles is essentially roughing up the surface of them. When you do this, it allows the coating to properly stick to the tile.

If you skip this step, you'll find that paint will start to peel off, undoing all of your hard work. Use sandpaper or steel wool to etch the surface of the tiles.This is especially important if your tiles currently have a glossy finish to them.

  • Step Four: Prime your tiles

Next you need to apply a primer. This gives the paint a good surface to stick to, and will improve the look of the tiles. You can paint this on, but it's advised that you use an airbrush system.

Painting the tiles will leave brush marks in the final look of the tile, which won't look as professional. Check the manufacturer's instructions to see how long you'll need to let this dry.

  • Step Five: Paint your tiles

Finally you're ready to finally change tile color once and for all. This step works in the same way as priming them.Airbrush the paint on if you can, and allow to dry for the recommended time before you use the bathroom or kitchen again.

If you're patient and let the paint cure for as long as possible, then you'll find that it will last a lot longer.


It's simpler than you think to repaint your tiles and get them looking brand new. It's cheaper and quicker, too.

Follow these five steps and you'll have a brand new room again, without all the hassle. Grab the supplies you need and get started, or call a professional to get it done today.