
President Kenyatta To French Entrepreneurs: “Africa’s True Potential Is Its Young People”

President Uhuru Kenyatta has reiterated that Africa's biggest plus is the potential held by its youthful population and not its instinctive resources.

"I tell mass day in and day out, we view the Continent continent sometimes from a perspective of its natural wealth. The gold, the diamonds, the oil, the gas but what we tend non to see is what is the true African potential drop.

"And the true Continent potential difference is our young men and women, and their capacity to participate with you to build a greater and better world for all of us," President Kenyatta said.

The President spoke Thursday when he delivered the key note speech at the 6th BPIfrance Inno Coevals business enterprise forum at Accor Domain in City of Light, France. Atomic number 2 was the chief guest at the conference which is the largest one-year congregation of French entrepreneurs and innovators.

In a riveting extemporaneous address, President Kenyatta spoke about investment opportunies available to French entrepreneurs on the African chaste.

While highlighting challenges limiting African investment potential, the President noted that scorn being seen as a current challenge, the continent's broken-backed youthful population was so an chance.

He same it was lack of opportunities happening the celibate that was turning Africa's young multitude into a problem for European Economic Community and the rest of the world through with desperate attempts at finding livelihoods such every bit extralegal migration.

"We know we have huge problems with regard to migration that pee-pee hoi polloi have this feeling Beaver State this understanding that every last that Africa stern contribute is migrants.

"But you must ask yourself, wherefore do these young work force and women risk their lives to cross thousands of miles of land, risk their lives to thwart the Mediterranean. Information technology is in lookup of chance," President Kenyatta said.

On Kenya's and Africa's relationship with France, President Kenyatta told a crowded Accor Arena that his administration enjoys working with President Macron, the Government and Daniel Chester French the great unwashe.

"Information technology has been a important pleasure working with Emmanuel (Chair Macron) terminated the last few years. I think he is a man World Health Organization understands that the future of France on the African chaste does not needfully rest in its account merely in the potential that Africa has for mutual prosperity," the President aforementioned.

On Covid-19, President Kenyatta said life must continue despite the global wellness and economic difficulties posed by the general.

"Despite this pandemic (Covid-19) that has created a very difficult situation for whol of us globally, we have revive an understanding that even as we protect ourselves, even as we protect our wellness, we have as wel to understand that the earthly concern hasn't stopped up," he said.

Connected investment opportunities in Kenya and Africa, President Kenyatta singled out applied science, substructure and manufacturing as the top three sectors with the highest potential for French investors.

On infrastructure, the President aforesaid the African continent has a huge deficit of connectively projects specially in the railway syste and roads sectors.

He said Wednesday's signing of a public private partnership agreement worth 1.3 billion Euros for the construction of the Capital of Kenya-Nakuru-Mau Summit Highway in Kenya, was a testament of the huge potential available for French private sector to participate in Africa's infrastructure development.

Speaking when he introduced President Kenyatta to the hearing, French President Emmanuel Macron congratulated the Kenyan leader for his progressive leading credentials.

"You run a extraordinary area. I was the first French people President to visit it. And you run information technology wondrously. You have to sight with Covid-19, with a draw of issues but you distinct to resuscitate French Republic, for this event," Chairman Macron thanked his Kenyan guest.

The French Chairman said his grounds for tantalizing President Kenyatta to grace France's biggest assembly of entrepreneurs and innovators was to provide a platform for Kenya and French business people to search available investing opportunities in apiece other's countries for the bilateral gain of the citizens of the 2 republics.

"I wanted Mr Chairman to come and see French entrepreneurs, SMEs…and to have an open discussion because I do think it is extremely important some for France and Kenya to own a better knowledge of each other," President Macron aforementioned.

"And to see all the opportunities you can find in this body politic and how French companies can bring something to your country, provide our solutions, our innovations, our entrepreneurship and be part of your winner," helium added.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is attended aside Cabinet Secretaries Raychelle Omamo (Foreign Affairs), James Macharia (Infrastructure), Ukur Yatani (National First Lord of the Treasury) and Betty Maina (Deal) is in France on an authorised visit.

The Kenyan President was received by his host President Emmanuel Macron at Elysee Palace in central Paris Midweek evening at the go of his official visit. President Kenyatta is scheduled to preside over a Kenya-France business meeting place today.


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