
My Story – I Fell In Love With A Relationship Scam Artist

Angela Nzilani met a Ghanaian man in 2020 and felled seam head over heels in love with him; he even moved in with her after two months. Nonetheless, no Oklahoman had Nzilani's savings started drying up than their whirlwind romance turned into one bragging scam.

The beget of two shared her experience with and here's her story.


"Information technology was in January 2020 when I met this African nation man, and my nerve reverberated towards him. There was a big force within me because soon afterward the meeting, we hit the moving running. We and so moved in together or kind of he touched into my house within two months.

I liked that he sounded other, acted differently and our love felt really exotic. As a former village girl, I mat up I was going a notch higher.

We were in a celebratory mood for a patc until the world realised that I was getting broke. My savings were evaporation rapidly, after intemperately investing in his patronage ventures, taking care of my son, him, and his friends and business enterprise partners, all fully grown men, from his country. Away then, I had helped him to suffer a work permission and a impulsive license. I was certain that inside no clip he would represent able to bring money home, exclusive to later find out that the itsy-bitsy money he had was likewise borrowed from other women.

This well-marked the first dent in our relationship. Notwithstandin, he would implore for forgiveness to a point of crying and swearing with the bible, his life, and his mother's life that IT would never hap once again. It became a song. They say, love is blind and I was a dupe. The fear of losing him coupled with low self-esteem made me forgive him countless times.

You see, I suffered low self-worth from direction back in grade school. As the eighth child, in Makueni I felt unseen. Flooding school life was tough and I faced a lot of contender, from my peers as I came from a humble background.

Confidence deficiency also followed me to college when I started dating. This gave me a sense of validation. I felt seen. I felt ilk I belonged somewhere and I was always looking cheeky to our meetings. Many young people fall into the lying in wait of marrying their campus sweethearts because of that feeling of being 'seen.'

I couldn't finish complete the stages of my CPA at Strathmore University because my parents were still struggling to educate my other siblings. I got a job in a construction company as a sales salesclerk and I concluded leading doing most of the administrative work.

Most of our clients were well to do people, mostly men, and they were very generous with positive compliments. I enjoyed it a lot, and I became selfsame confident.

One of my clients became my devotee. The village girl in ME disclosed candlelit dinners at The Rusty Boom and Karen Blixen, swimming in heated pools, watching the sunset while sipping exotic wine, and listening to the 80s, nation music, and the classics. I discovered the joyfulness of taking flights to the Kenyan Coast for a weekend getaway. Nothing could stop me from having exotic dates and at times having a dance in any serene nightclub. I had arrived.

Then, I brutal significant and the attention I used to get waned. Presently, we parted ways.

I was a very aggressive schoolboyish woman. By then, I had opened my own mental synthesis company which was doing quite well. My son and I were living life. I worked hard to a head of opening a branch of glasshouse fabrications and installation. I true started saving for a mortgage.

However, I unconsciously wanted for a husband and a father for my son. I felt broken. That's how I ended up meeting the Ghanaian when my son was eight. With my Ghanaian beau' we did not rot much time and soon I was with child.

When I was five months large, we agreed that he would go back to Ghana to deal around of his property, so that he could hark back to Kenya before I gave birth. Past so my business was down, as I had taken a good deal of debt to bankroll his 'businesses'. I sold my elevator car to afford a ticket for him and determined some bills. He bought a one-way ticket. He never came back.

When the delivery date came, I had no money. This was after thusly many reminders to my "husband" to commit money and him promising all time. A acquaintance came to my aid. It was the virtually embarrassing moment of my life because this particular friend had warned me against "my married man", merely I was very inexorable.

Every last this while, my "husband" and I were in ceaseless communication and he kept on assuring me that we were ease an item. My alterative wasn't painless because I had undergone a Cesarian section delivery.

By then, my husband's alleged property sales event had not gone through. We in agreement that it would be easier for U.S.A to join him in Ghana. I prepared myself, the kids, and my entire family for the plan to relocate. Nobody was glad with my decision, but I insisted.

The guy never sent our level tickets, even after knowing that I had fully prepared to the point of disposing of all my house items and retreating my boy from school. We waited for six months, all this while he made daily promises.

Finally, in December 2020 a woman purporting to be his wife called me from Ghana and told me that I had been conned. I was stony-broke, broken, unsettled, and a solitary mother of ii children from two contrary fathers. I exclusive had a traveling bag of clothes in my monomania and I moved in with my sister.

I looked for all kinds of jobs and also a cure for my pain. Fortunately, I came across a own ontogeny and purpose discovery class which I went through courtesy of Coach Stephen Muiru.

The grade introduced me to myself. I didn't know who I was. I did the do work of healthful and forgiving myself. I am forthwith a healed healer.

I started Angelique Achievers in 2020. I utilize Personal Development and Spiritual Principles to heal multitude's anguish, trauma, and uncertainties, past having them take obligation for their leading, even from a locate of adversity.

I recrudescent my construction troupe last year and managed to buy another car this January. When you understand who you are, discover your wherefore and purpose, you wish flavor complete, thrive, and be changed."

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